This room is one of several Whitledge Rooms. I found the wallpaper in the William Morris collection. Finding coordinating carpet was a challenge. After many shades of beige, light peach, and gold, I settled on the beige carpet pictured. The finish paint was hand mixed. I created the color based on trial and error using various paint mixtures.
A Tip:
When you are mixing your own paint, always make extra and save it in an airtight container for touch-up and emergencies! Be sure to label the paint jars with the name and mixture as well as the room location for identification!
The layout of the furniture was created by Ray Whitledge Miniatures. This room, like many of my rooms, is really a tribute to Terry Noack whom we all miss. Ray continues his Whitledge tradition in fine craftsmanship, but we all miss Terry's flamboyant character and sense of humor. The elaborate window treatments were created by Marcia McClain of McBay Miniatures.
A Tip: (One which you will see several times in this section!)
Some furnishings are expensive and some are not. The key to wise decorating is to choose your pieces carefully. Choose expensive pieces that are in your price range to accent and highlight your room. Choose less expensive pieces to "fill" your room and complete the setting. A good mix of expensive and less expensive pieces decorates a room (or house) nicely!
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