Once again the wallpaper is a William Morris design. The color of the trim and accent pieces was a particular challenge. The color required several different batches of mix to get the right effect!
A Tip: (If you have seen this tip before, it is worth reading again!)
When you are mixing your own paint, always make extra and save it in an airtight container for touch-up and emergencies! Be sure to label the paint jars with the name and mixture as well as the room location for identification!
The lighting throughout the house is a mix of the expensive and less expensive. The chandelier in the living room is from The Lighting Bug. The floor lamps are a creation of NI-GLO LAMPS.
A Tip: (One which you will see several times in this section!)
Some furnishings are expensive and some are not. The key to wise decorating is to choose your pieces carefully. Choose expensive pieces that are in your price range to accent and highlight your room. Choose less expensive pieces to "fill" your room and complete the setting. A good mix of expensive and less expensive pieces decorates a room (or house) nicely!
The drapes are once again a creation of Marcia McClain! Since this photo was taken, several ornate pieces have made their way to the living room. I seldom consider a structure "done"--unlike a cake, one can always add ingredients (and design) to a house!
After you have spent a little time looking at the living room, please contact me
if you have questions!
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