The idea of an art studio came from a friend. I was about out of new ideas by the time I had planned the majority of the rooms. I simply left the room empty, waiting for just the right idea.
A Tip:
New miniaturist often try to plan everything at once and lack patience to "wait" for ideas. I have learned over time (and trial and error) that waiting pays off. New, fresh ideas will come. Empty rooms are OK. Many of us become compulsive about project completion, but it is worth the wait! Patience pays off in the end!
friend came up with the idea, and I went from there. The walls are actually
burlap with backing (by this time I was tired of wallpaper!) The floor is wood
and the lights are actually simple creations by me! Many, many of the items came
from all over the world---from shows, exhibits, the Internet and our local
shops. What I couldn't find I made. The rugs are splattered simple beige rugs.
A Tip:
Keep looking for items to complete your rooms. Take your time. Find items that compliment the rest of the furnishings and meet the challenges of the room design! Remember, some things are more expensive than others, choose your investments wisely!
For more information on the detail, please contact me
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